Manchester Mile

Wednesday 21st June 2023, 7:00:pm

2023 Track Championship
Manchester Regional Arena
Rowsley Street
M11 3FF

The Manchester Mile is a track event in which runners are separated into heats based on their predicted time, to ensure you're running with people of a similar speed. Last year's event saw finishing times ranging from 9 minutes to 4 minutes 30 seconds.

The exact start time for your race will depend on which heat you are allocated to. Faster runner will be placed in the later heats. One of the unique aspects of this event is that it provides a great opportunity to cheer on your fellow Harriers running in earlier or later heats.

Further details can be found here: The Manchester Mile

Enter the event at SportSoft. The cost is £12 affiliated / £14 unaffiliated and entries close on 16 June.